"Uncork Your Operational Bottlenecks . . . Boost Your Bottom Line!"

Published Articles

Lee Schwartz, principal of the Schwartz Profitability Group, is a regular contributor and blogger to . . .

IndustryWeek articles

Published on IndustryWeek at www.industryweek.com on Mar. 24, 2015.

There is much value in creating a culture that relies on KPIs/metrics to measure organizational productivity and accomplishments.

Published on IndustryWeek at www.industryweek.com on Nov. 24, 2014.

How would you assess your organization? From the warehouse, to the production lines, to the accounting office and beyond, are the right people in the right seats? Personal experience and research strongly suggest not.

Published on IndustryWeek at www.industryweek.com on Aug. 20, 2014.

“OK, so now I’m on the war path.  When I first conjured up the idea for this article, I had endured a series of awful customer service experiences.  But today took the cake.  Phone calls not returned.  Lack of understanding.  Promises broken.  What ever happen to the old adage of “under promise, over deliver?”
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MDM blogs

Blog published for MDM.com – Jun. 11, 2015.

“Customers are to be valued. Once lost, they are likely gone for good.”

Blog published for MDM.com – May. 28, 2015.

“Next time you need to find an answer to a challenging problem . . .”

Blog published for MDM.com – May. 14, 2015.

“So what is the harm in going through such an evaluation? Is this not a no-brainer decision?”
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Aerospace and Defense Forum articles

Published in The Aerospace & Defense Forum July Newsletter.

“Whether it was from the commercial market perspective or from the military standpoint, the comments were eye opening.”

Published in The Aerospace & Defense Forum May Newsletter.

“We need to stretch traditional thinking . . . to substantially impact business through simplified, more rapidly developed, affordable products.”

Published in The Aerospace & Defense Forum May Newsletter.

“The additive manufacturing industry is exploding, growing over 30% annually, with new applications and uses being applied every day.”
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Published in WichitaEagle.com, September 2014

“It’s going to put even more pressure on the suppliers to survive long term,” Schwartz said. “There are no more people to cut. Their costs to produce are rising, just like Boeing. It’s not a pretty picture.”

Published in Sanli, Pastore & Hill Newsletter, May 2014

“But according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. lost an astounding 6,000,000 manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2009.”

Published in LA/NTMA Newsletter, April 2013

“Inventory management requires commitment and resources.  But given the benefits, how can you not commit the effort?  Managing your inventory wisely, prudently and proactively will increase your competitiveness,
productivity and profitability.”
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